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Coaching’s Hidden ROI

Staff and volunteer leaders together form the backbone of a charitable organization. They play a critical role in achieving fundraising goals and thus the strategic goals and objectives of the organization. Their dedication, expertise, and hard work can help to create effective fundraising strategies, build relationships with donors, and sustain the organization’s mission and goals over the long term.

Staff retention and volunteer recruitment are of paramount importance to charities who depend on fundraising results to advance their organizational mission work.

Professional mentoring and coaching can provide significant value to a charity’s volunteer and staff leaders in several ways:

  1. Improved fundraising skills: Professional coaching can help volunteer and staff leaders develop new fundraising skills, techniques, and strategies to generate more donations and maximize their impact.
  2. Enhanced motivation and confidence: Coaching can boost the motivation and confidence of volunteer and staff leaders by providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed in their fundraising efforts.
  3. Personalized guidance: Coaching offers personalized guidance and support tailored to the specific needs and goals of the organization and its leaders.
  4. Accountability and follow-up: Professional coaches can hold volunteer and staff leaders accountable for achieving their fundraising goals and provide follow-up support to ensure their continued success.
  5. Improved communication skills: Effective fundraising requires excellent communication skills. Coaching can help volunteer and staff leaders enhance their ability to communicate effectively with donors, stakeholders, and other team members.
  6. Increased team collaboration: Professional coaching can foster a culture of collaboration among volunteer and staff leaders, promoting teamwork and strengthening relationships within the organization.
  7. Sustainable growth: Coaching can help charity leaders develop sustainable fundraising plans and strategies that support long-term growth and stability for the organization.

Overall, professional fundraising coaching can provide valuable support and guidance to charity’s volunteer and staff leaders, helping them to achieve their fundraising goals, grow the organization, and make a positive impact on their communities. Investing in the leadership team is an often overlooked strategic priority and one that can pay significant dividends, both short and long term.

about author

Anne Coyle Melanson, BPR, CFRE

Seeing around corners for charities and non profits for over 34 years.